Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Causes of Idd Amin Dada war against Tanzania/Julius K.Nyerere/Kagera war

Idd amin dada war  1978 (Kagera War)
Kagera war was fought between Uganda under a president idd amin dada and Tanzania under president Julius kambarage Nyerere from October 1978 until June 1979.

Causes of kagera war
1.      Invasion of uganda troops in tanzania area; The soldiers with ful weapons invaded some areas of Tanzania in Kagera region and caused humiliation to the Tanzanians of those invaded villages.Tanzania government was informed and the president J.K Nyerere sent a message to the inveders to stop entering   into Tanzania teritories.
2.      Declaration of war against Tanzania by idd amin; Idd Amin Nduli Dada the dictator president of Uganda of that time announced through mass media to attack Tanzania from Kagera up to Dar Es Salaam.the president J.K.Nyerere decided to prepare the soldiers and sent them to Kagera region to protect the territories of Tanzania.after Idd Amin soldier attacked Tanzania the Tanzania soldier reacted and fought against Idd Amin soldies.Tanzania soldiers won the war and kagera region became safe area.
3.      Dictatorship of idd amin; Idd Amin Dada was very dictator president,he did not allow democray in Uganda,the people of Uganda were not free to vote and to be voted,were not free to criticize the government.orders,commandment and decision were provided by Idd Amin Dada.
4.      Abusive and intimidation to Tanzania; President Idd Amin abused Tanzania country and disobeyed the flag of CCM public.CCM  was only political party  in Tanzania during that time.also Idd Amin intimidated Tanzania government that he will attack from Kagera up to Dar Es Salaam.So without the actions took by J.K.Nyerere to stop him many region might be affected.
5.      Relationship between president J.K.Nyerere of Tanzania and Milton Obote of uganda; The  president Julius Kambarag Nyerere was a very much  friend of president Milton Obote.the removal of president milton obote from ruling the country Uganda by force through the military power decided by Idd Amin Dada(coup d’etat) was not liked by J.K.Nyerere.activists of Uganda againsts Idd Amin government were killed and some came to hide in Tanzania to avoid to be killed,forexample Mseveni

6.      Cruelity of Idd amin dada to innocent citizens of Uganda; Idd Amin killed many citizens of Uganda especially those who obey the leadership of milton obote.some documents state that Idd Amin ate the fresh of human being.he killed and discriminated Uganda people with disabilities.J.K.Nyerere decided to attack Idd Amin for the beneficial of the citizen of Uganda. 

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